How do I start the adoption process?


1. An adoption profile. The best kind of profile is a digital one that you can email to us. If you need assistance with this you can visits for help.  

Take into consideration that most of our birth mothers have limited English skills so the more pictures and less words the better. A lot of birth mothers have Facebook so we would encourage you to also set up an account for you to share photos, etc. with her, and often Facebook Messenger is a good way to communicate, since it seems that they have frequent phone trouble.
2. A Home Study:

Before we can consider you for a match opportunity you will need to have a current home study. What is a home study? A home study is an independent investigation to verify your suitability as adoptive parents. A home study is valid for one year and can be updated easily. In most States, only a Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW), or a Licensed Social Worker (LSW) who is supervised by an LCSW, is legally empowered to conduct and prepare home studies.  Specific requirements for home studies vary by state and agency, so be sure to ask for a list of the items and information your agency or social worker needs.  The purpose of the home study is to evaluate the fitness of a prospective adoptive family and evaluate and prepare them for the adoption process. During your home study, the social worker will gather comprehensive information about you and your spouse, your personal and family histories, your current physical, mental, and financial situation, your home and community environments, and your motivations, attitudes, and preferences concerning adoptions.
3. Background Checks:

The home study should include state-of-residence criminal background checks on the adoptive parents and all household members eighteen (18) years of age and older, as well as Child Abuse Checks and FBI checks. We will need to obtain copies from the social worker so that they may be filed with the court. Typically, the background checks must be less than one (1) year old. If your State is one in which they will not allow the release of the background checks then we will need a letter from your agency or social worker that these checks have been done and that no records were found.
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